Can Inguinal Hernia Repair Cause Low Testosterone
Reprod Wellness. 2022; fifteen: 69.
Does the use of hernia mesh in surgical inguinal hernia repairs crusade male infertility? A systematic review and descriptive assay
Zhiyong Dong
1Department of Surgery, the Beginning Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, No. 613. Huangpu Avenue West, Guangzhou, 510630 Prc
iiRobert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer center, Division of Reproductive Science in Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 303 E. Superior Street, Suite iv-121, Chicago, IL 60611 United states
Stacy Ann Kujawa
2Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer center, Division of Reproductive Science in Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 303 E. Superior Street, Suite iv-121, Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Cunchuan Wang
1Section of Surgery, the Outset Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, No. 613. Huangpu Avenue Due west, Guangzhou, 510630 China
Hong Zhao
2Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer center, Sectionalisation of Reproductive Science in Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Academy, 303 E. Superior Street, Suite 4-121, Chicago, IL 60611 United states
Received 2022 Jul xiv; Accustomed 2022 April xviii.
The aim of this report was to systematically review the available clinical trials examining male infertility after inguinal hernias were repaired using mesh procedures.
The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Chinese Biomedical Medicine Database were investigated. The Jada score was used to evaluate the quality of the studies, "Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine-Levels of Evidence" was used to assess the level of the trials, and descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the studies.
Twenty nine related trials with a full of 36,552 patients were investigated, including seven randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with 616 patients and 10 clinical trials (1230 patients) with mesh or non-mesh repairs. The Jada score showed that in that location were half dozen high quality RCTs and ane low quality RCT. Levels of evidence determined from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine further demonstrated that those six high quality RCTs also had high levels of evidence. It was establish that serum testosterone, LH, and FSH levels declined in the laparoscopic group compared to the open group; however, the testicular volume only slightly increased without statistical significance. Testicular and sexual functions remained unchanged later both laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP) and totally extra-peritoneal repair (TEP). We besides compared the dissimilar meshes used mail service-surgeries. VyproII/Timesh lightweight mesh had a diminished consequence on sperm motility compared to Marlex heavyweight mesh after a ane-year follow-up, merely there was no effect afterward iii years. Additionally, various open up hernia repair procedures (Lichtenstein, mesh plug method, posterior pre-peritoneal mesh repair, and anterior tension-free repair) did non cause infertility.
This systematic review suggests that hernia repair with mesh either in an open or a laparoscopic procedure has no significant effect on male fertility.
Keywords: Inguinal hernia repair, Mesh, Male person infertility, Systematic review
Obviously English language summary
The incidence of inguinal hernia is steadily decreasing subsequently the application of mesh and laparoscopic techniques; notwithstanding the utilise of mesh causing infertility is becoming a growing concern. Whether in that location are any effects on male fertility after open/laparoscopic mesh inguinal hernia repair is yet a controversial topic. Thus, the aim of this study was to systematically review the available clinical trials for male infertility after inguinal hernia repair with mesh. The Jada score and Oxford Centre for EBM Levels of Evidence were used to evaluate the quality or evidence level of the included studies. Finally, 29 related trials were investigated. The results indicated that polypropylene mesh inguinal repair did non change male infertility after open or laparoscopic mesh repair, TAPP versus TEP additional procedures of repair, or assorted mesh types. This report suggests that hernia repair with mesh either in an open or a laparoscopic process has no significant upshot on male infertility according to current show. However, whether sperm should exist stored and assessed for quality purposes prior to procedures for patients who accept fertility issues, is worthy of further study.
Tension-free mesh hernia repair has get the standard procedure in inguinal hernia repair after the concept of tension-free hernia repair was proposed by Lichtenstein in 1989 [1]. Currently, the main operating procedures for inguinal hernia repair involve either open or laparoscopic hernia repair with mesh [2, three]. The meshes used for these procedures are equanimous of biomaterial or biological fabric including polypropylene, Marlex, VyproII, TiMesh, and Prolene [4, five]. The incidence of inguinal hernia has decreased after the awarding of mesh and laparoscopic techniques, but the utilize of mesh causing infertility is becoming a growing concern.
It has been reported that the complications of mesh hernia repair are infection, pain, adhesions, seroma, intestinal obstacle, and recurrence [vi, 7]. Indicators for diagnosing male infertility usually include the testicular volume, testicular resistivity index, serum testosterone, serum gonadotrophins (FSH, follicle-stimulating and LH, luteinizing hormone), and semen quality (volume, concentration, motion, α-glucosidase, and morphology). Mesh inguinal hernia repair may cause infertility by influencing the spermatic duct construction in white male person rats [8]. In men, fourteen cases of azoospermia secondary to inguinal vasal obstacle were reported in relation to previous polypropylene mesh hernia repair [ix]. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 59 male patients was used to evaluate male fertility between heavyweight meshes (Marlex) and lightweight meshes (Vypro II/TiMesh) at a one-yr follow-up. Semen analysis showed that lightweight meshes for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair negatively influenced sperm motility [10]. Contrarily, Tekatili et al. summarized 16 clinical studies and indicated that the lightweight mesh did not seem to accept an bear on on male fertility in inguinal hernias [xi]. The only previous systemic review likewise supported that at that place is not an affect on male fertility later on mesh hernia repairs [12]. Therefore, the part of mesh usage in male fertility in hernia repair patients remains unclear.
To circumvent the limitation of the previous review, nosotros have included several additional RCTs and control trials on male infertility and hernia repair published from 2022 to 2022 [12–19], detailed sub-grouping analyses, and additional databases and clinical trials. In addition, the Jada score and levels of evidence from Oxford Eye for Evidence-based Medicine were used to assess the quality of included studies. Our well-nigh comprehensive systemic review analyzed the possible effect of mesh usage on male fertility in hernia repair, including unlike open up and laparoscopic procedures and various types of surgical mesh. This study provides a robust evidence-based answer to support clinical decisions.
Search strategy
The related literature was searched on Feb 14th, 2022 from the following electronic databases: PubMed, Embase, Primal (Cochrane Library), Web of Science, CBM (Chinese Biomedical Medicine Database), and other resources [WHOITRP (Globe Health Organization International Trials Registry Platform search portal,, ATCR (Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry,, ISRCTN (International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register, http://world wide, TC (Trials Central,, and CCTR (Chinese Clinical Trial Register,]. The following search strategy was used: ("polypropylene mesh" or "absorbable mesh" or "mesh" or "meshes") and ("herniorrhaphy" or "hernioplasty" or "inguinal hernia repair" or "laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair" or "totally extra-peritoneal repair") and ("male infertility" or "fertility" or "azoospermia" or "sperm motility"). There were no language restrictions in this study.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Clinical studies (RCTs, cohort studies, example controlled trials, case serial, and case reports) were considered for this study. Review articles and messages to editors and unrelated papers were excluded. The written report subjects were limited to men. The following outcomes were considered: testicular volume, testicular resistivity index, serum FSH, serum testosterone, serum LH, semen volume, α-glucosidase (mU), sperm morphology, sperm assay (peak systolic velocity (PSV), terminate diastolic velocity (EDV), pulsatility index (PI), resistivity index (RI)), and sperm concentration.
Data extraction and quality evaluation
All studies meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were retrieved by screening abstracts (DZ and WC). Two reviewers (DZ, WC) independently extracted the following terms by a self-fabricated grade generated from data included in each report: first author's family proper noun, publish year, country, type of surgery, written report design, total number of patients, age, blazon of mesh, hernia side, outcomes, and the follow-up period. Whatever disagreements were resolved by joint discussion amongst reviewers, and the author was contacted if there was any missing data. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed according to Jada scoring. The assess terms were: adequate sequence generation (0–ii points), resource allotment concealment (0–ii points), blinding (0–2 points), and follow-up/withdraw (0–2 points). For these assessments, ane to 3 points were considered low quality and iv to 7 points were deemed high quality. Methodological quality assessment was independently performed by 2 reviewers (DZ and WC) [xx, 21]. The Oxford Center for Show-based Medicine – Levels of Prove (http://www.cebm.internet/oxford-center-evidence-based-medicine-levels-evidence-march-2009/) (Level I to Level V, level I was considered high level of bear witness, level V was considered low level of evidence) was used to assess the level of the clinical trials.
Statistical analysis
At that place was insufficient information included in the RCTs to perform the meta-assay, so descriptive analysis was performed for these studies. The descriptive assay was used if in that location was high clinical or statistical heterogeneity, and the subgroup analysis was used for high and low quality included studies or unlike interventions. The sensitivity analysis was performed when heterogeneity comes from the different methodological qualities of the included trials. Case control trials, cohort studies, retrospective, or example reports were too investigated past descriptive analysis. The egger's exam and Begg'due south examination were not used to explore the possibility of publication bias due to bereft data included in the studies [22–26].
Search strategy
A total of 234 studies were identified for screening via title and abstract according to our search strategy. Among them, 137 studies were excluded for the same cross-duplicated articles, animal studies, and unrelated literature. The remaining 97 potentially relevant studies were identified after screening by abstract, in which 68 studies were excluded because they were reviews, messages to the editor, diagnosis studies, and studies that did not focus on infertility. Consequently, the 29 clinical studies that met the inclusion criteria were included past total-text reading [27–48]. Among them, at that place were vii RCTs concerning mesh hernia repair and infertility [ten, 13, 28, 31, 35, 44, 45]. Figure1 displays the details of the search selection process.
Flow diagram of the search procedure and written report choice
Study characteristics
This comprehensive systemic review focused on studies and reports published between 2003 and 2022 that investigated testicular function, semen, or male infertility after hernia repair, and information technology included 29 studies for a full of 36,916 participants. There were 15 studies conducted in Europe, 11 studies in Asia, and iii in America. There were seven RCTs, eight case control studies, three cohort studies, three case series, four example reports, and 3 retrospective studies. The surgical operations included LAP (TAPP, TEP) and open (LHR). The main outcomes included: testicular volume, testicular resistivity index, serum FSH, serum testosterone, serum LH, semen volume, concentration, movement, α-glucosidase, morphology, summit systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, pulsatility index, and obstructive azoospermia with a follow-up from six to 36 months. Tablei demonstrates the characteristics of the included trials [ix, 10, thirteen–19, 27–46].
Table ane
Baseline characteristics of the included studies in the systematic review
Study (Writer/Year) (Evidence level) | Country | Surgery | Design | Patients (n) | Mean age (years) | Mesh materials | Hernia side | Outcome mensurate | Follow-upwards (months) |
Bansal 2022 (I-1b) [13] | India | TAPP/TEP | RCT | TAPP 80 | TAPP twoscore.ix ± 12.3 | NS | Unilateral Hernia Bilateral hernia | Testicular functions Sexual functions | 3 |
VS TEP fourscore | TEP 40 ± 12.five | ||||||||
Krnić 2022 (3-3b) [xiv] | Republic of croatia | Open | Example-control | Non-complicated hernia 57 VS Incarcerated hernia 64 | Grouping I 57 (forty–81) | Bard® mesh | Right Hernia Left Hernia | Testicular blood flow | 5 |
Group II 64 (28–80) | |||||||||
Lal 2022 (III-3b) [xv] | India | TEP | Self Instance-command | 28 | 42.4 (18–72) | Bard 3DMax™ mesh | unilateral hernia (sixteen right sided and 8 left sided, 21 indirect and 3 direct hernias) and 4 to have bilateral hernia (2 direct and 2 indirect). | Resistive alphabetize | 3 |
Gvenetadze 2022 (Three-3b) [16] | Georgia | Open | Case control | Lichtenstein 66 Gvenetadze method 149 | 19–xl | mesh | Bilateral | Oligospermia, reduction of the quantitative sperm | 1,6 |
Shkvarkovskiy 2022 (III-3b) [17] | Russian | Open | Case control | New method 61 | xix–61 | Polymeric mesh | Hernia | testicular arteries, testicular book, sex activity hormones level. | NS |
Lichtenstein 63 | |||||||||
Yan 2022 (Four-4) [18] | China | Open | Retrospective study | 142 | 24.0 ± 2.0 | mesh | Unilateral | Infertility Sex role | 3–36 |
Khodari 2022 (IV-4) [19] | French republic | Open | Retrospective written report | 69 | NS | polypropylene mesh | Bilateral (history of hernia repair) | Gamble of infertility | NS |
Stula 2022 (II-2b) [27] | Croatia | TAPP/Open | Cohort study | TAPP 29 | 61(33–81) | Prolene mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | testicular blood menstruation (RI, PSV, EDV), ASA | v–vi |
Open 53 | |||||||||
Peeters 2022 (I-1b) [28] | Belgium | TEP | RCT | Marlex ® 20 | 20–50 | (Marlex ®) VyproII ® TiMesh ® | Unilateral 39 Bilateral xx | Semen analysis | 36 |
VyproII ® 20 | |||||||||
TiMesh ® xix | |||||||||
Schouten 2022 (protocol) [29] | Netherlands | TEP | Cohort study | 21 | xviii–sixty | Prolene | Bilateral inguinal hernias | testicular perfusion and volume, semen quantity and quality endocrinological status | 6 |
Stula 2022 (2-2b) [30] | Croatia | TAPP/Open | Cohort | TAPP15 Open28 | 62(33–81) | Prolene mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Testicular, capsular, intratesticular arterial flow dynamics | 5 |
Singh 2022 (I-1b) [31] | India | TAPP, TEP/Open | RCT | LAP (TAPP, TEP)60 Open up 57 | LAP 45.vii ± | mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Testicular functions (testicular volume, claret flow, hormones) | 3 |
Open up 45.4 ± 17.eight | |||||||||
Hallén 2022 (IV-4) [32] | Sweden | Open | retrospective | Open 34,267 | 23–62 | mesh | Unilateral Bilaterally | Take chances for infertility | 12 |
No mesh | |||||||||
Skawran 2022 (III-3b) [33] | Germany | TEP | Case control | Light mesh group 21 | xviii–sixty | Bard TM soft mesh Bard TM flat mesh | Bilateral | Testicular volume and perfusion, serum levels of sexual hormones, ejaculate volume, and number of spermatic cells. | 3 |
Heavy group 38 | |||||||||
Hallén 2022 (Three-3b) [34] | Sweden | NS | Case control | With mesh 232 | xviii–55 | mesh/ without mesh | Bilateral(344) | Adventure for infertility | NS |
Without mesh 112 | |||||||||
Control general 202 | |||||||||
Peeters 2022 (I-1b) [10] | Belgium | TEP | RCT | Marlex ® 20 | xx–50 | (Marlex ®) VyproII ® | Unilateral 39 Bilateral xx | Semen analysis, scrotal ultrasonography | 12 |
VyproII ® 20 | TiMesh ® | ||||||||
TiMesh ® xix | |||||||||
Sucullu 2022 (I-1b) [35] | Turkey | open | RCT | Lichtenstein 32 | LG 22 (20–28) | Polypropylene mesh | Unilateral | Testicular volume, resistive alphabetize Testicular function | 3 |
Mesh plug 32 | MPG 23 (twenty–30) | ||||||||
Kiladze 2009 (Iii-3b) [36] | Georgia | Open | Example control | Lichtenstein 56 | 44.viii | mesh | Bilateral | Principal sperm parameters | half-dozen |
Modified Lichtenstein 61 | |||||||||
Chu 2009 (IV-iv) [37] | USA | Open | Example series | iv | NS | mesh | NS | Testicular atrophy | 6 |
Ramadan 2009 (Three-3b) [38] | Turkey | Open | Case command | Indirect inguinal hernias 48 | 44.5 (30–73) | mesh | Unilateral direct inguinal hernia | testicular parenchyma, testicular arterial impedance, perfusion, venous flow | two |
Normal contralateral side 48 | |||||||||
Yamaguchi 2008 [39] (5-5) | Japan | Open | Case report | 1 | 30 | Polypropylene mesh | Bilateral herniorrhaphy | Hormonal testing Semen analyses Testicular size | 15 |
Brisinda 2008 (IV-4) [40] | Italia | Open | Case series | 26 | NS | mesh | Hernia tension free repair | testicular perfusion | 9 |
Dohle 2006 (V-5) [41] | Netherlands | open | Example report | 2 | 35 | Polypropylene mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Semen analysis | 3 |
Langenbach 2006 (I-1b) [42] | Frg | TAPP | RCT | Monofile, heavy-weight, rigid mesh xxx Smooth, heavy-weight variant of polypropylene 30 Polyglactin/polypropylene compound mesh 30 | 35–75 | Rigid mesh Polypropylene Polyglactin/polypropylene | Unilateral | Testicular volume | iii |
Shin 2005 (Iv-iv) [ix] | USA | LAP/Open | Case series | 12 LAP ii Open+ LAP | 35.5 (28–42) | Polypropylene mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Zaoospermia | 6–36 |
Nagler 2005 (V-5) [43] | USA | Open | Case written report | 1 | 45 | Polypropylene mesh | Right and left herniorrhaphy | Fructose-positive azoospermia | 72 |
Akbulut 2003 (I-1b) [44] | Turkey | TEP / LHR | RCT | LHR 13 TEP 13 | TEP ± LHR 54.2 ± 2.6 | Polypropylene mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Testicular function and volume | 12 |
Aydede 2003 (I-1b) [45] | Turkey | Open up | RCT | Posterior preperitoneal mesh repair 30 Anterior tension-free repair 30 | 22 > 60 38 < threescore | mesh | Unilateral | Testicular flow spermatogenesis | 2.5 |
Yang 1997 (V-5) [46] | China | Open (when child) | Case study | 3 | 30/31/l | No mesh | Unilateral Bilateral | Obstructive azoospermia | 30 twelvemonth |
TAP laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair, TEP totally actress-peritoneal repair, LHR lichtenstein hernia repair, LAP laparoscopic hernia repair, Group I not-complicated hernia, Goup Two incarcerated hernia. NS not land
Quality assessment of the included studies
Table2 displays the methodological quality of these studies according to Jada scores. Of all of the RCTs, seven studies reported acceptable generation of the allocation sequence and 1 RCT provided unclear descriptions. Six trials reported resource allotment concealment [10, 13, 28, 35, 44, 45]. Blinding was not reported in whatsoever of the RCTs. Patients that were lost to follow-upwards or withdraw were reported in all studies. There were six studies that were considered loftier quality (five points) and one RCT was low quality (three points) according to Jada scores. The evidence of seven trials were level I1b, two were level Two2b, and all of the RCTS were loftier level evidence.
Tabular array 2
Quality assessment of RCTs studies (Jada Scores)
1–3 points considered as low quality; iv–vii points considered equally high quality
Descriptive analysis
At that place was loftier clinical heterogeneity amid the included studies, so the meta-assay was not used, and instead, the descriptive subgroup analysis was performed. The groups were divided into laparoscopic hernia repair groups and open hernia repair groups. Subgroups were divided into the following groups: mesh versus not-mesh, LAP versus Open up, TAPP versus TEP, and Marlex mesh versus Vypro mesh. The detailed information from the outcomes of the seven RCTs is shown in Table3.
Table 3
The detailed data from the outcomes of the seven RCTs
Study ID | Surgery | Full No. of patients | Result and data | |
O | C | |||
Bansal 2022 [thirteen] | TAPP VS TEP | fourscore | 80 | Testicular volume: pre-operative, TAPP xiii.1 ± 1.three, TEP xiii.1 ± 1.2; iii months, TAPP 13.ane ± one.3, TEP 13.2 ± 1.1, 6 months TAPP 13.0 ± one.3, TEP xiii.2 ± 1.0 Testicular resistivity index: pre-operative, TAPP 0.64 ± 0.06, TEP 0.61 ± 0.07; 3 months, TAPP 0.634 ± 0.06, TEP 0.6 ± 0.07, vi months TAPP 0.63 ± 0.06, TEP 0.half-dozen ± 0.07 Serum FSH: pre-operative, TAPP three.6 ± 0.8, TEP 3.4 ± 0.8; 3 months, TAPP 3.6 ± one.0, TEP 3.4 ± 0.8, half-dozen months TAPP 3.6 ± 0.8, TEP 3.4 ± 0.9 Serum testosterone: pre-operative, TAPP 4.2 ± 1,TEP four.0 ± 1.2; 3 months, TAPP 4.1 ± 0.9, TEP 4.0 ± 1.three, half dozen months TAPP 4.i ± 1.0, TEP 4.0 ± 1.2 Serum LH: TAPP vii.three ± ane.1,TEP vii.3 ± ane.7; three months, TAPP 7.iii ± 1.0, TEP 7.3 ± i.67, 6 months TAPP 7.4 ± ane.0, TEP 7.three ± i.6 |
Peeters 2022 [28] | Marlex® VS vyproII® Marlex® VS TiMesh® | 12 | 15/10 | 3 twelvemonth follow-up: Semen volume (ml): Marlex® -0.07 (− 1.ane to 0.half-dozen), vyproII®− 1.five to 0.ii), TiMesh®-0.2 (− 0.9 to i) Concentration (106 cells/ml): Marlex® -4.iv (− 16.1 to 0.5), vyproII® -5.five (− 30.viii to eighteen.8), TiMesh®-1.65 (− xxx.6 to 17.1) Motility (% progression): Marlex® -2.8 (− 18 to 4.3), vyproII® -8.5 (− 23 to viii.5), TiMesh®-8 (− 15 to − iv.five) a-glucosidase (mU): Marlex® 3.2 (− 15.5 to 6), vyproII® -5.5 (− 13.vii to 0.2), TiMesh® -1.4(− 8 to 1.75) morphology (% normal): Marlex® -2 (− sixteen to 2), vyproII® -2.8 (− 9 to 0), TiMesh® -3 (− 8.5 to 4) |
Singh 2022 [29] | Lap VS Open | 60 | sixty | Testicular volume: pre-operative, Lap, 9.viii; Open 10.7; 3 month, Lap ix.3, Open 9.two Resistitive index: pre-operative, Lap 0.64, Open 0.68; 3 calendar month, Lap 0.58, Open 0.65 FSH: pre-operative, Lap v,Open 5.1, 3 calendar month, Lap, Open up 6.1 LH: pre-operative, Lap 4.iv,Open four.5, 3 month, Lap 4.9, Open v.4 Testosterone: pre-operative, Lap 5.7,Open v.two, 3 month, Lap five.5, Open |
Peeters 2022 [10] | Marlex® VS vyproII® Marlex® VS TiMesh® | twenty | 20/19 | i year follow-upwardly: Semen book (ml): Marlex® -0.05 (− 0.vii to 0.7), vyproII® -0.43 (− 1.iii to 0.iii), TiMesh®0.2 (− 0.8 to 0.9) Concentration (106 cells/ml): Marlex® (− 35.five to 13), vyproII® -i.5 (− 21.5 to x), TiMesh®2.1 (ten.3 to 15.eight) Move (% progression): Marlex® -two.0 (− 2 to 10), vyproII® -9.5 (− xiii.three to − 1), TiMesh®-v.5 (− 17 to − two) a-glucosidase (mU): Marlex® -three.half-dozen (− 7.6 to 9.7), vyproII® -one (− 3.7 to 3.7), TiMesh® 0(− 6.five to ane.8) morphology (% normal): Marlex® 0 (− 4.3 to five.viii), vyproII® -1.8 (0 to − 5), TiMesh® -i.viii (− 6.8 to 5) |
Sucullu 2022 [35] | LG VS MPG | 32 | 32 | Testicular volume: pre-operative, LG, xviii.92 ± 1.05; MPG, xix.37 ± 1.06 3 months, LG eighteen.75 ± 1.26, MPG xviii.21 ± one.26 Resistive index: pre-operative,LG,0.64 ± 0.06, MPG 0.60 ± 0.04; iii months, LG 0.80 ± 0.06, MPG 0.75 ± 0.08 Sperm concentration: pre-operative, LG,88.65 ±, MPG 75.27 ± seven.03; three months, LG 65.48 ± 8.22 MPG 58.87 ± 7.73 Charge per unit of progressive movement: pre-operative, LG 52.79 ± ii.35, MPG 51.64 ± 2.lx 3 months, LG 55.54 ± 2.26, MPG 48.53 ± 2.96 |
Akbulut 2003 [44] | TEP VS LHR | thirteen | xiii | three-calendar month. Testicular volume: pre-operative, TEP, 16.33 ± 0.71; LHR 15.44 ± 0.87; 3 month, TEP 16.lxx ± 0.88, LHR 14.15 ± 0.96 FSH: pre-operative, TEP 6.47 ± 0.63, LHR 8.47 ± 1.11, 3 month, TEP 6.99 ± 0.86, LHR ix.12 ± 1.57 LH: pre-operative, TEP iv.06 ± 0.twoscore, LHR 5.35 ± 0.57, 3 month, TEP four.72 ± 0.seventy, LHR v.64 ± 0.72 Testosterone: pre-operative, TEP 631.75 ± 60.52, LHR 544.48 ± 36.26, 3 calendar month, TEP 672.00 ± 62.99, LHR 510.64 ± 39.71 |
Aydede 2003 [45] | TFR VS PPMR | xxx | 30 | peak systolic velocity (PSV):pre-operative TFR xi.1303 ± 0.6952, PPMR 10.25.20 ± 0.5033; 2.v months, TFR 10.8400 ± 0.7084 PPMR 10.4890 ± 0.5194 end diastolic velocity (EDV): pre-operative TFR 3.1257 ± 0.1995, PPMR three.0287 ± 0.5648; two.5 months, TFR 1.4267 ± 6.544 PPMR 1.2957 ± 8.842 pulsatility index (PI): pre-operative TFR one.3753 ± 9.177,PPMR 1.3460 ± 0.1082; 2.v months,TFR 0.7193 ± i.294 PPMR 0.6930 ± 1.887 resistivity index (RI): pre-operative TFR 0.6960 ± two.192, PPMR 0.6867 ± ii.267; 2.5 months, TFR 2.8400 ± 0.1973 PPMR three.0163 ± 0.1880 |
O observation grouping, C control group, LG Lichtenstein group, MPG Mesh plug group, TFR Inductive tension-free repair, PPMR Posterior preperitoneal mesh repair
Laparoscopic mesh hernia repair group
There were 12 studies for a total of 1230 patients included in this group. The baseline characteristics are shown in Tabular array 1.
LAP (TAPP/TEP) versus open up group
In the Singh 2022 study (Level I1b), there were a full of 117 patients with a mean historic period of ± 16.two years (range 17–79). In Grouping I, 32 patients underwent TEP and 28 underwent TAPP. Grouping Two had 57 patients that underwent open mesh repair. The follow-upwardly time was preoperatively and postoperatively set at 3 months. There was no meaning deviation between those 2 groups in testicular functions, preoperatively. In that location were statistically significant decreases in the testicular volume, preoperatively and postoperatively in the open grouping (P = 0.01), but there was no significant difference, preoperatively and postoperatively in the LAP grouping (P = 0.3). There was as well statistical significance in the resistive index, preoperatively and postoperatively in the open up group (P = 0.07) and the LAP grouping (P = 0.04). In the LAP group, in that location was no pregnant departure in FSH levels (P = 0.4) and testosterone (P = 0.3) betwixt preoperatively and postoperatively; still the decrease was significant in LH levels (P = 0.01) after operation. In the open group, in that location was statistical significance in FSH (P = 0.01), LH (P = 0.001), and testosterone (P = 0.02) between preoperatively and postoperatively. This trial suggested that laparoscopic repair may be more suitable for preserving testicular functions [31]. In the Akbulut 2003 study (level I1b); at that place were a total of threescore patients with the age of fifty.5 ± 4.4 (range 24–71). The follow-upward time was 3 months. 26 patients were randomized and divided into the TEP grouping (13 patients) and Lichtenstein hernia repair (LHR) group (13 patients). At that place were no significant differences between preoperative and postoperative in both groups in regards to LH (P > 0.05) and FSH levels (P > 0.05). Withal, the subtract was significantly different in the testicular book and testosterone levels in the TEP grouping (P < 0.05) compared to the LHR group (P > 0.05). It was indicated that the procedures would not alter LH, FSH, or testosterone values, but TEP could lead to a reduction in testicular volume within the normal limits [46]. Schouten 2022 designed a protocol for accomplice studies in order to evaluate fertility after endoscopic TEP hernia repair, but no data has been published [29]. In Stula 2022 (II2b), there were a total of 543 patients with a mean age of 61 years (ranging 33–81). The follow-up time ranged from 5 to 6 months. There were 29 patients who underwent TAPP and 53 patients under open tension-free hernia repair. There was no significant deviation between the 2 groups in baseline. The anti-sperm antibodies (ASA) value significantly increased in the open grouping after operation (P < 0.001), simply at that place was no significant divergence in the TAPP group (P = 0.133). There was pregnant change in the resistive index (P < 0.001) and capsular artery level (P = 0.02) of the resistive alphabetize (RI), in patients who underwent TAPP. End-diastolic velocity (EDV) showed meaning differences on the testicular artery level (P = 0.032) in patients in the open group. This report showed that mesh hernia repairs, open up or laparoscopically, caused only a transitory change in testicular claret menstruum, but there was no clinical meaning departure [27]. In the Stula 2022 study (level Two2b), there were a full of 43 patients with 62 years (range 33-81 years). The follow-upward fourth dimension was 5 months. There were 15 who underwent the TAPP procedure and 28 in the open (open up tension-free hernia repair). This trial indicated that inguinal hernia mesh repairs exercise non accept a clinical significant influence on testicular flow and sperm autoimmunity [30].
TAPP versus TEP group
In Bansal 2022 (level I1b), the RCT was divided into the TAPP group with 80 patients and TEP group with 80 patients. The mean age was twoscore.v ± 12.4 (rang 18–60). The follow-upwards time was 3 months and 6 months. In that location was no significant difference in testicular volume (P > 0.05), testicular resistivity index (P > 0.05), FSH (P > 0.05), testosterone level (P > 0.05), and LH (P > 0.05) between the ii groups at the 3 month or 6 month follow-up [13].
Different meshes comparable groups
In Peters' 2022 report (level I1b), there were a total of 59 patients with an age range of 20–50 years. The patients were randomized into 3 groups: heavyweight polypropylene (Marlex®) with 20 patients, lightweight mesh (VyproII®) with twenty patients, and lightweight mesh (TiMesh®) with 19 patients, and all of the patients underwent TEP. The follow-up was at one year. This written report suggests that the use of lightweight meshes for male patients with TEP could influence sperm motion (P = 0.013) at the i year follow-upwards [35]. In Peeters' 2022 study (level I1b), he utilized the same patients as Peters' 2022, simply the follow-upwardly time was increased to 3 years. There was decreased sperm move after one year, merely there was no pregnant departure amidst the 3 groups in semen volume (P > 0.05), concentration (P > 0.05), move (P > 0.05), a-glucosidase (P > 0.05) and morphology (P > 0.05) after 3 years. In Langenbach's 2006 study (evidence, level V), he mentioned a change in testicular book, simply there were no detailed data supporting the ascertainment [28].
LAP group without controls
In this group, there were ii studies: Lal 2022 (level Three3b) and Skawran 2022 (level III3b). In the Lal 2022 written report, in that location were a total of 28 patients: 24 with unilateral hernia, 4 with bilateral hernia who underwent TEP. The mean age was 42.iv years (range 18–72). The resistive index was followed-upwardly at 24 h, one week, and 3 months and compared preoperatively confronting postoperatively. In that location was no significant difference in resistive indexes of testicular, capsular, and intratesticular arteries during any fourth dimension postoperatively [xv]. In the Skawran 2022 study, there were a total of 59 patients with an age range of 18–threescore years who underwent a bilateral TEP repairs. In the prospectively (light mesh) group, in that location were 21 patients, the preoperative values were compared with postoperative values, and the follow-upwards time was 3 months. It showed that at that place were no statistical differences between preoperative and postoperative in testicular book, testicular perfusion, FSH, LH, testosterone, and testicular function (ejaculate book) (P > 0.05). There were 38 patients in the retrospective (heavy mesh) group where the follow-upwards was determined at ≥iii months. Again, there was no significant difference between the prospective group and retrospective group in testicular volume, testicular perfusion, FSH, LH, and ejaculate volume (P > 0.05) [33].
Open mesh hernia repair group
Subgroup analysis
Compare with different hernia repair methods
In the Gvenetadze 2022 report (level III3b), there were a total of 215 patients with an age range from 19 to 40 years. 66 underwent bilateral Lichtenstein hernia repair and 149 underwent the bilateral Gvenetadze method (a modified Lichtenstein with spermatic cord isolation from a mesh by Gvenetadze. The follow-up times were set at 2 days prior to the operation, 30 days, and 6 months mail service operation. They constitute oligospermia and a 30–35% reduction of the quantitative sperm in the Lichtenstein group (P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the Gvenetadze grouping [xvi]. In Shkvarkovskiy 2022 study (level III3b), in that location were a total of 124 patients with an age range from 19 to 61. 61 had their procedure with the new method (patent of Ukraine for useful model № 81,728) and 63 underwent the Lichtenstein hernia repair. The outcomes were testicular arteries, testicular volume, and the level of sex hormones. This study was published in Russian and supplied no detailed information [17]. Nosotros emailed the author but at that place was no response. In Sucullu'due south 2022 study (level I1b), there were a total of 64 unilateral patients with an historic period range from xx to 30 years. There were 32 patients in the Lichtenstein group and 32 underwent the mesh plug surgery. The follow-up fourth dimension was 3 months. There was a significant increase in the RI in both the Lichtenstein grouping (P = 0.027) and the mesh plug group (P = 0.012), when comparing the preoperative with the postoperative values [35]. In Kiladze'due south 2009 written report (level III3b), at that place were a total of 117 bilateral patients with an average age of 44.8 years. The follow-up time was 6 months. 56 patients were in the Lichtenstein group and 117 were with the Gvenetadze group. Comparing the morphological parameters of sperm between the pre- and postoperative mesh hernia repair in these ii groups, the results showed that complete isolation of the spermatic string from the mesh prevents male infertility later on a modified Lichtenstein hernioplast [36]. In Aydede'southward 2003 study (level I1b), there were a total of threescore patients with 20 patients > 60 years one-time and 38 patients < 60 years old. 30 patients with posterior preperitoneal mesh repair (group I) with xxx patients were compared against the anterior tension-free repair (grouping II) with 30 patients. The follow-upwards time was pre-operative, early on postoperative (the tertiary 24-hour interval), and tardily postoperative (half-dozen months). The results showed that in that location were meaning differences betwixt preoperative and early on postoperative in Doppler menses parameters (spermatic cord and peak systolic velocity(PSV), stop diastolic velocity(EDV), and resistivity index (RI)) (all P < 0.05). In that location was no meaning difference between preoperative and late postoperative values in Doppler catamenia parameters [45].
Compare with different hernias
In Krnic's 2022 report (level Iii3b), there were a full of 121 patients with an age range of 28–81 years. Group I had 57 patients with not-complicated hernia, and Group II had 64 patients with incarcerated hernia. Bard Mesh was used, and the follow-up time was five months. Resistive index, pulsative alphabetize, and antisperm temporarily fluctuated after the operation, only they returned to or were within normal values during the belatedly postoperative phase in both groups. This study suggested that polypropylene mesh did not lead to whatever clinically meaning complications on testicular flow in patients nether open hernia repair with either not-complicated or incarcerated hernia [fourteen]. In Ramadan's 2009 study (level Three3b), there were a total of 48 patients with indirect inguinal hernia, and the mean historic period was 44.five years (range, 30–73 years). The contralateral non-hernia side was prepare as the control group. Testicular arterial impedance, venous plexus flow, and testicular perfusion were assessed pre-and postoperatively on both sides, and the follow-upwardly time was 2 months. The results showed that there were no significant changes regarding testicular flow (P > 0.05) [38].
Compare with unlike meshes or no mesh
In Hallen's 2022 study (level IV4), from 1992 to 2007, 34,267 men with an age range of 28 to l years, underwent an inguinal hernia repair involving at to the lowest degree one side. Information technology was found that 57 of the 6281 men who underwent the unilaterally without mesh procedure were diagnosed with infertility. The observed cumulative incidence was 95% CI 0.91 (0.49–0.69) whereas the expected cumulative incidence was i.03. There were 133 out of 22,420 men who underwent the unilaterally with mesh procedure that were diagnosed with infertility. The 95% CI of observed cumulative incidence was 0.59 (0.49 to 0.69), and the expected cumulative incidence was 0.67. In the operated bilaterally without mesh group, the infertility incidence was 0/226 where the expected cumulative incidence was 1.01. In operated bilaterally with mesh unilaterally grouping, the infertility incidence was 3/346, 95% CI of observed cumulative incidence was 0.87 (0 to 18.4), and the expected cumulative incidence was 1.05. In operated bilaterally with mesh on both sides, the infertility incidence was 19/2293, 95% CI 0.83 (0.46–1.20), and the expected cumulative incidence was 0.64, and in repeated repairs on any side, the values were 21/2701, 95% (0.45–1.11), and 0.68. The incidence of infertility had no pregnant change for either the mesh groups or the no-mesh groups. For most groups, the expected cumulative incidence was lower than the general population [32]. In Hallen's 2022 study (level III3b), the study was based on information from the Swedish Hernia Annals and questionnaire. In that location were a total of 525 participants analyzed. There were 232 in the bilateral mesh repair group with the hateful age of 42.3 ± 8.viii years, 112 in the non-mesh group with 43.4 ± 8.eight years, and 181 in the normal population with 43.1 ± years. At that place was no substantial event in testicular status co-ordinate to the questionnaire [34].
Open hernia repair
In this grouping, these studies were either retrospective, case serial, or case reports.
Yan et al. (level IV4) performed retrospective analysis for 142 young men under Lichtenstein, and the follow-up time was three to 36 months. There was no infertility found [18]. Khodari et al. (level 4four) reported that there were 69 azoospermia patients with a history of adult inguinal hernia repair surgery from 1990 to 2022, just there was no detailed report provided in the analysis [xix]. Chu et al. examined iv cases under the inguinal hernia mesh repair with the results showing that testicular ischemia of 2/iv patients was inverse, caused by either the mesh loosening or being removed [37]. Yamaguchi et al. (level V5) reported that a 30 twelvemonth old human being had vas deferens obstruction later inguinal hernia repair with polypropylene mesh inside several months [39]. Before azoospermia, men who underwent inguinal herniorrhaphy using polypropylene mesh needed to rapidly cryopreserve their sperm for future fertility; however Testicular / Epididymal Sperm Aspiration or Extraction (TESE-ICSI) was also a suitable treatment. Brisinda et al. (level IV4) prospectively analyzed 24 patients under open tension-free hernia repair with synthetic meshes in 2008 [forty]. At that place were no statistically meaning differences found in the testicular blood flow parameters and testicular volume comparing preoperative with postoperative. In fact, testicular menses improved in some cases. Dohle et al. (level 55) reported two cases of obstructive male infertility due to vassal obstruction later on hernia repair with polypropylene mesh. It was believed that polypropylene mesh caused a dense fibroblastic reaction; thus affecting the vas deferens and spermatic string [41]. Nagler et al. (level 5five) reported a 45 year old man experienced obstructive azoospermia after polypropylene mesh repair and a left varicocelectomy. They thought that this effect was influenced past the mesh resulting in fibrosis of the vas deferens [43].
Publication bias
Although there were seven RCTs in our study, there was no sufficient information included in the studies so the funnel plot, the egger'south test and Begg's examination were not explored.
Laparoscopic mesh hernia repair group
LAP (included TAPP/TEP) versus open up grouping
Singh et al. reported that there were significant decreases in testosterone, LH, and FSH with less growth in testicular volume under the laparoscopic group; notwithstanding there was no significant deviation in testicular atrophy in either the open repair with polypropylene mesh (heavyweight) or the laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair with polypropylene mesh groups [31]. Akbulut et al. reported that there was no pregnant deviation in the TEP group or the Lichtenstein group in FSH, LH, testosterone, and testicular book, but TEP may take decreased testicular book post-functioning to the normal limits with type I-b, 2-a [44]. The diverse results with Singh et al. may have been caused by the small sample size, type of hernia, or maybe human error. For case, some TAPP procedures might take been mistakenly placed in the laparoscopic group. Stula et al. reported that mesh hernia repairs under open up tension-complimentary hernia repair or TAPP were only changed in the resistive alphabetize, end diastolic velocity, and peak systolic velocity in the early postoperative period but returned to a normal value, which they believe has no clinical significance. However, they did not compare the heavyweight against the low-cal heavyweight; instead they only mentioned that the heavyweight mesh was used in the open hernia repair group. The age range included was from 17 to 81 years old, so the normal fluctuations might exist related with age [27]. This consequence was similar to an earlier report published by Stula et al., in 2022 [30]. Overall, inguinal hernia mesh repair under open tension-free hernia repair or TAPP did not have clinical significance on testicular flow and immunological response. Thus, these results from the studies indicate that polypropylene mesh LAP inguinal repair did not alter male infertility during either procedure.
TAPP versus TEP group
Bansal et al. suggested that there was no alter in testicular and sexual function after TAPP compared with TEP. According to the publication, changes in male infertility have no relation to the techniques used for TAPP or TEP; however they did not mention mesh in the procedures. Rather, the authors thought that handling the testicular vessels and string structures during autopsy may change the etiology of testicular dysfunction after open mesh repair [thirteen].
Different meshes groups
Peeters et al. indicated that VyproII® or TiMesh® (lightweight mesh) decreased sperm motility when compared to Marlex® mesh (heavyweight) afterwards a i year follow-up, but at that place was no significant difference after three years. In dissimilarity, the lightweight mesh groups had a lower recurrence rate and no chronic pain, so lightweight mesh could be the superior selection [28, 35]. Junge et al. suggested that using modern depression weight, large, porous, and rubberband samples could have a benefit on the integrity of the vas deferens, when mesh is the required material to be used in younger patients undergoing open up hernia repair [47].
LAP grouping, no control group
Lal et al. indicated that laparoscopic TEP operations practice not modify testicular period dynamics at 24 h, 1 calendar week, or iii months postoperative [fifteen]. Skawarn et al. suggested that there was no bear witness of impaired fertility after TEP operation with calorie-free or heavy mesh [33]. In that location was no case study found regarding infertility caused by the LAP procedure. The reason behind this is that the LAP procedure allows for less damage and stress to the spermatic string.
Open mesh hernia repair group
Compare with different hernia repair methods
Gvenetadze et al. indicated that the Gvenetadze method was meliorate than Lichtenstein's in preventing male infertility when undergoing open surgery [16]. Kiladze et al. suggested that the Gvenetadze method prevented male infertility though spermatic string isolation from mesh in bilateral hernia procedures compared to the Lichtenstein hernia repair [37]. Contrarily, Sucullu et al. and Aydede et al. indicated that whether the Lichtenstein, mesh plug method, posterior pre-peritoneal mesh repair, or anterior tension-free repair were used, none of the procedures caused infertility. Thus, it seems that numerous hernia repair methods which are performed routinely in the clinic do not lead to infertility [35, 42, 45].
Compare different hernias
Krnic et al. reported that 57 patients had non-complicated hernia procedures whereas 64 patients with incarcerated hernia. Bard Mesh was used in both groups. This report suggested that polypropylene mesh did not atomic number 82 to whatsoever clinically significant problems on testicular flow in patients undergoing open hernia repair with either non-complicated or incarcerated hernia [14]. In the Ramadan et al. study, it showed that there was no pregnant modify to testicular flow in the hernia side vs. non-hernia side; thus, dissimilar types of hernias may not impact infertility under the open up hernia repair with mesh [38].
Compare with meshes with no mesh
Hallen et al. performed an epidemiological survey in 2022, 232 in the bilateral mesh repair group and 112 in the not-mesh group were analyzed. In that location were no noteworthy furnishings in the testicular status of either grouping, co-ordinate to the questionnaire. The authors believed that local legal circumstances and wellness care policies should be taken into consideration when doing sperm cryopreservation and the health care system should cover the cost of this fee if immature men wish to have children later on in life [34]. The following yr, Hallen et al. started a larger epidemiological survey where 0.ix% (57/6281) of men were diagnosed with infertility after existence operated on unilaterally without mesh compared to 0.59% (133/22420) of men with mesh. In the operated bilaterally, mesh on one side group, the infertility incidence was 0.87% (iii/346). In operated bilaterally, mesh on both sides group, the incidence was 0.83% (xix/2293) and in repeated repairs on any side, at that place was 0.77% (21/2701). The results showed that the incidence of infertility had no consequence in either the mesh groups with no-mesh groups, and mesh repair may continue to be used without major business concern regarding the risk of male infertility [32].
Open hernia repair
In this group, these studies were retrospectives, case serial, or case reports. Yan et al. and Brisinda et al. reported that there was no evidence that indicated that infertility was caused by the Lichtenstein or open tension-free hernia procedure [18, 40]. Khodari et al. mentioned that there were 69 azoospermia patients with a history of undergoing adult inguinal hernia repair surgery only did not draw the causes for the azoospermia [19]. Nagler et al. considered that a case with azoospermia was caused by mesh due to fibrosis of the vas deferens [43]. Yamaguchi et al. and Dohle et al. reported three cases with vas deferens obstruction after inguinal hernia repair with polypropylene mesh [39, 41]. Uzzo et al. reported in a 12 male beagle canis familiaris animal trial where half of the dogs were repaired using Marlex mesh and one-half had the classic Shouldice technique. At that place was a significant decrease in vasal luminal size with a marked soft tissue foreign body reaction identified in the Marlex mesh grouping [48].
Why could this change in procedure atomic number 82 to infertility? There may exist a relationship with mesh migration, surgeon skills, tightness of intraoperative suture or the surrounding tissue was non completely separated. The resulting postoperative bleeding, adhesions, and postoperative practice frictions then trigger fibrosis which can lead to infertility. Chu et al. (level IV4) reported two cases of testicular ischemia that were altered under inguinal hernia mesh repair, caused by the mesh loosening or removal [37]. Although at that place are fewer reports on vas deferens blockage, we nonetheless should focus on the standardization for operative procedures in order to lessen and ultimately, eliminate postoperative complications from the treatment. Some other reason backside the cause of these medical concerns could exist due to the level of the surgeon'south skill. For example, if the blood vessels were damaged during the intraoperative performance, it would pb to vas deferens ischemia, which could cause infertility. Some cases that are diagnosed as infertility may be associated instead with the inguinal hernia. Singh et al. indicated that long term inguinal hernia patients might suffer from impairment in testicular blood flow, which could likewise lead to infertility [31]. Additional factors that could impact infertility could include the patient's age, piece of work status, psychological factors, and the environs. Previously, our beast studies suggested that the distribution of inguinal hernia may be related to estrogen levels, and these estrogen levels may be associated with infertility. Aydede et al. suggested that mesh repair is still a rubber surgery in patients with no children or those who are currently undergoing infertility treatment [45]; just in our opinion, if a fellow desires to have children in the time to come and is apprehensive about potential issues to his fertility due to the surgical procedure, he should accept his semen examined and stored preoperatively to avoid hereafter issues and medical disputes.
The major limitations of our study were the post-obit: 1) there was high clinical heterogeneity between the included RCTs, 2) at that place were pocket-size samples for these included studies, and 3) the period of treatment for each written report and mesh were different. For some of these studies, at that place was insufficient information provided for meta-analysis, and the evidence was weak, so funnel plot and meta-assay were not performed. That will atomic number 82 to some publication bias and less strong show. Larger samples, rigorous design, multi-centre RCTs performed using diverse populations, and different mesh/intervention groups would exist necessary to heighten this evidence and support a stronger conclusion regarding infertility in these procedures.
The results of our review suggest that open or laparoscopic procedures with mesh hernia repair have no significant effects on male infertility according to the current RCTs and clinical trials (Evidence: level I). Overall, laparoscopic mesh repair might be more suitable to use for preserving testicular functions; still our main focus should exist on standardizing operative procedures in gild to lessen or eliminate postoperative complications.
Nosotros give thanks Dr. Soper for helping to review and providing communication in regards to the manuscript.
ASA | Anti-sperm antibodies |
ATCR | Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry |
CBM | Chinese biomedical medicine database |
CCTR | Chinese clinical trial register |
Central | Cochrane Library hosts the Cardinal Register of Controlled Trials |
EDV | End diastolic velocity |
EDV | Terminate-diastolic velocity |
FSH | Follicle-stimulating hormone |
ISRCTN | International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Annals |
LH | Luteinizing hormone |
LHR | Lichtenstein hernia repair |
mU | α-glucosidase |
PI | Pulsatility index |
PSV | Peak systolic velocity |
RCT | Randomized controlled trials |
RI | Resistivity index |
TAPP | laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair |
TC | Trials Central |
TEP | Totally extra-peritoneal repair |
TESE-ICSI | Testicular / Epididymal Sperm Aspiration or Extraction |
WHOITRP | World Wellness System International Trials Registry Platform search portal |
Authors' contributions
ZH and CW designed and reviewed the study. ZD, SK and CW nerveless data, conducted analysis and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Ideals approval and consent to participate
Not applicative. This article is a systematic review and descriptive analysis, so no ethical board blessing is needed.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Publisher'southward Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Contributor Data
Cunchuan Wang, Phone: +86 20 38688608, Email: moc.361@5102ccwt.
Hong Zhao, Phone: 312-503-0780, Email: ude.nretsewhtron@oahz-h.
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